Volunteer Opportunities


Opportunities at the School Level

Volunteers can help support education through a wide range of school-related opportunities, including:

  •  Classroom assistance
  • Non-classroom assistance (field trips, library, etc.)
  • Organization involvement (PTA, Friends of Ericson Foundation, School Site Council, etc.)

 School Site Council (SSC)

The SSC is an elected decision-making group comprised of parents, community members, site administrators, teachers and other staff. At the secondary level, students are included. The SSC has an ongoing responsibility to develop, implement, monitor and evaluate the site plan. The SSC also oversees all the categorical funds such as Title 1, Second Language and GATE.

Site Governance Team (SGT)

Each school has a SGT to act as its advisory body on issues other than major categorical programs.

English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC)

Schools that have twenty-one or more English as a Second Language (ESL) students also have an English Learner Advisory Committee. It serves as the advisory body to the school on four key issues:

  • The school plan for English learners
  • Needs assessment
  • Administration of the language census
  • Efforts to make parents aware of the importance of attendance

Opportunities At Home

When schools work together with families and the community, children will succeed not just in school, but in just about anything they do in life. Research shows that when parents are actively involved with their children's education, students' grades are higher, their self-esteem is greater, and they are more socially adjusted. The most accurate indicator of a student's academic success in school is not tied to family income or social status, but the extent to which a family:

  • Creates a home environment that encourages learning
  • Sets high, but realistic achievement and career expectations
  • Becomes involved in their child's education and in the community
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