of Tomorrow (LOT) Enrichment Program is made up of educators with backgrounds
in teaching, administration, health and sciences, and psychology. The program
is a chance to give children a place to explore all the possibilities of their
futures and learn about careers and paths that can spark a fire inside of them!
Although each age group has a different schedule- all students have structured
homework time, a chance to choose whichever kids clubs they’d prefer, an
opportunity to interview for a LOT job, curriculum time which includes lessons
and activities based on our weekly themes, and LOT's more. Our enrichment clubs
include dance, soccer, tinikling, cheer, flag football, theater, basketball,
chess club, arts and craft, spin class, gardening, sewing, and many other
options! Each club is taught by our LOT teachers everyday. The children also
get to pick from kid-friendly jobs which consist of a triage team, police, kids
court, dispatchers, food handlers, custodial, etc.